Some more reviews have come in for Jane Rosenberg LaForge's full-length poetry collection, "With Apologies to Mick Jagger, Other Gods, and All Women." [Amazon, $14]. Here are a couple of excerpts.
From Poet Hound:
"Her poems are beautiful, cynical at times, and contemplative. If you enjoy dark, rich words, soil, and/or chocolate, this is the collection for you."
From Heavy Feather Review:
"This is The Poetic Voice surviving in spite of itself. The Voice becoming a voice, 'deepened, but sheared of its depth' ('What Remains'). If nothing else, this is the voice of Walter Benjamin’s 'angel of history' played out in witness of wreckage that is both public and private. There is no heavy-handed progress here to wisdom. What the spectator accumulates leads only to the voice of the spectator. My impatience with The Poetic Voice could have kept me from this book. I’m glad it didn’t."